Re the Victorian State Elections – Our Purpose

What we are seeking to do is to distribute the flyers entitled “The Real Danger that We Are Facing at the Moment is Totalitarianism” and “A Word of Warning About So-Called Independents” to every marginal electorate in Victoria.

This is probably our last chance to resolve matters at the ballot box! We need to remove the politicians who refuse to listen to us and take their orders from offshore banks and the World Economic Forum, all of whom are unelected! These organisations should not be dictating policy to our governments!

The politicians whom we elected should be there to serve us – they are supposed to be our servants – not our masters!

Our politicians have, with a few noticeable exceptions, betrayed us! It is time to stop the rot of the Globalists – don’t vote for the Coalition, Labor, the Greens or Phoney Independents! We have provided a list of political parties, entitled, “Classification of Political Parties for Victorian State Election 2022” which tells you which parties support Globalist policies, which ones oppose Globalism and which ones who appear to be neutral. I may add another classification for individuals who claim to be “Independents”: Some of these people are genuine Independents but others are Globalist Shills. There are ways of identifying these Globalist Shills.

What we are asking is that you put the parties opposed to Globalism at the top of the ballots for both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. We are also urging you to Postal Vote as this gives you the maximum amount of time to research the candidates. We have provided you with information on our website to enable you to secure a postal vote – the easiest reason is a religious objection to voting on a Saturday – to find out how to do this See:

A word of warning where Postal Voting is concerned, it has been drawn to our attention that in South Australia, a number of people who applied for Postal Votes via political parties, did not receive them or if the Postal Votes were returned to the political parties, they went missing. I have never had this problem, even when I have applied for a Postal Vote via those parties that are not favoured by postal voters. What people should do in order to get around this problem, is to apply for a Postal Vote and register as Postal Voters on the VEC website directly, instead of going through political parties. You can register online, provided that you have either an Australian Passport or a Drivers’ Licence. See: If you don’t have either an Australian Passport or a Drivers’ Licence, then, you can download a form in pdf format and apply via a hard copy that you can send to the AEC.

We are asking you to vote below the line on your Legislative Council Ballot as this gives you the maximum amount of control over where your votes go. We will provide you with documents to make this process of voting below the line easier and to minimise the chances of you making an error and subsequently casting an invalid vote. It is one of the greatest ironies in recent political history, that Bob Menzies was re-elected in 1963 on the basis of a handful of Communist Party preferences!

Please donate to help us, help you, by removing tyrants and making the World a better place for your children and your grandchildren! The money donated will help us get flyers printed as well as get them distributed.